Saturday, July 9, 2011

Greyson and Bentley's first birthday!!!

Greyson and Bentley celebrated their first birthday in Oregon and Idaho!!! Before leaving on our trip to Idaho, my family wanted to celebrate in the twin-one-year-old-fun so we had a small birthday celebration at our apartment. Greyson and Bent were not big fans of their cupcakes or the singing... in fact they cried the entire time.

 My first very sad attempt at making decorative cupcakes!
 Greyson starting off strong and looking pretty happy
 Bentley joining in the fun
 Both are doing great
 Not so happy anymore
 Bentley, supporting her brother decided to join in
 Double sadness
 Greyson's coping skills weren't working out so well
 Taking a turn for the better... 
 maybe not for Greyson
 Starting to understand the benefits of having a birthday celebration
my super amazing crafting skills

Some of their recent talents (as of 13 months because I didn't document at 12):

Bentley started walking a little after 11 months (she took her first steps on Mother's day) and now she is cruising.

Greyson & Bentley are both climbing like crazy, which I imagine is going to get more and more interesting.

Greyson is reaching for door knobs but isn't able to grasp them yet.

Bentley's vocabulary: mama, dad, dada, all-done, thank-you, ut-oh, and she will copy words like dog, please, quack, etc. if I say them first

Greyson's vocabulary: mama, dad, dada, ut-oh, thank you and he just started saying all-done (needs a bit of prompting). Greyson mainly communicates through pointing and grunting (this may be gender specific). It is hilarious and about 50% effective or at least that is the percent that Shane and I can figure out. I'm not sure if that says something about Shane and I... not being able to decipher baby lingo.

They both still love being read to, especially anything with animal sounds. They have a few texture books which they really love. Greyson and Bentley love going to the park and have no fear going down the slide. They also love water and all water activities.

Their little personalities are developing more and more every day and they are so much fun to be around minus the intermittent 5:00am wakings that Bentley has been engaging in (thank you so much Bent for teaching me tolerance and self-control or heightening my awareness of the lack of tolerance and self-control I actually have). Maybe if I went to bed earlier I would be able to cope with these early morning wake-ups better. I feel like 5:00am is still the middle of the night.... I applaud those who get up that early because I just can't function....7:00am is when this mom can happily start her day.

This year has been such a blessing, with these two additions. I can't remember what we did with all our free time... oh yeah we slept, went camping, hiking, mountain biking and came and went as we pleased. Although raising twins is difficult it is equally or more so amazing. I guessed this year can be summed up by a comment that  I made to Shane on their birthday: "I feel like this is a huge milestone for us. We did it... we made it to their first birthday."

1 comment:

  1. Your cupcakes, decorations, and babies are adorable !! :)
