Greyson and Bentley were three months old on August 28th and the following are all of their current talents:
Both of them can roll from their tummy to their back (Greyson first rolled to his back at 7 weeks and Bentley just rolled over September 1st)
They can play on their tummies and hold their heads up and look side to side
They both coo, smile, and grasp and bat at objects as well as make bubbles
Self-soothe: Bentley sucks her fingers, especially her thumb and Greyson sucks on his fists (however he still enjoys the binki to calm him)
Greyson weighs: 13 lbs 11oz
Bentley weighs: 13 lbs 7oz
It has been so much fun to interact with both of them. It makes it so rewarding and fun to be a mom when they smile or cuddle into me.
So cute! They have grown!